Sphere Rocket Virtual Assistants
🚀How Any Business Can Scale & Leverage Using Virtual Assistants...

Ever Wonder What a VA Can Do For You? 

What a VA Is?

If you should get one?

Did someone just send you this website to talk with Justin?

Schedule a Time Below!




Sphere Rocket Family Testimonials


Meet Some of the VA's We Have Placed With Clients Like You

We share this as we always get the question, what are the english skills and accents like! Depending on the role you need, we can help you find the perfect fit!

The BAD NEWS is:

"Sphere Rocket Virtual Assistants"
iS NOT for everyone

❌ It's NOT for lazy business owners
❌ It's NOT for a silver bullet chaser  

❌ It's NOT for just any business owner

Sorry, guys. Maybe next time. 


It's SPECIALLY Designed For Small Business Owners 

✅ Who Care About Productivity
✅ Who Think Big  

✅ Have a Positive Mindset

Sphere Rocket is a company where we pour our heart and soul into your business, by finding you a Virtual Assistant that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! We will not stand for anything less in return! 

No matter what your experience level is............You Need an Assistant

"Hi, I am Justin Nelson...
... and I Have Been In Your Shoes"

What is Sphere Rocket VA?

1. I am a Real Estate Agent. I'm grateful I've had the opportunity to speak live in over 35 states in 2019 alone to over 10,000+ real estate agents and coached some of the top agents in the industry. 

2.  I Own Sphere Rocket VA. We are dedicated to helping all industries learn and harness the power of a virtual assistant from start to finish

The REASON Why......

I Created Sphere Rocket VA


"You can't afford an assistant yet" ---- Even Though I was making way into the six figures (multiple at this point)

I was told a $48K a yearly salary was a lot of risk to take on!

So once I learned how I could get a Virtual Assistant for as low as $2.50 Per Hour..... I was skeptical

But then....before you know it, I had over 12 VA's of my own across 4 of my different companies

Profits soared higher than ever and inversely my stress went down

Your Sphere Rocket Process

Step 1 - Schedule Phone Consultation

Step 2 - One Time Fee Finalization

Step 3 - Recruitment of Your VA

Step 4 - You Take Training Course on How to Manage and Maximize VA

Step 5 - Group Coaching

Pricing of Virtual Assistants

📍 Typical Virtual Assistant Company📍

  • Monthly Contracts 
  • Virtual Assistant Is Employee Of Placement Company
  • Monthly Up charge on Rate Paid To Virtual Assistant Forever
  • ​Monthly Full Time Rate of $1,000 - $2,000
  • ​$500 - $1,000 Goes to VA

🚀 Sphere Rocket Virtual Assistants 🚀

  • NO Monthly Contracts 
  • Virtual Assistant Works Directly With YOU
  • No Monthly Up charge on Rate Paid To Virtual Assistant 
  • ​One Time Placement Fee
  • ​Monthly Full Time Rate of $500 - $1,000
  • ​$500 - $1,000 Goes to VA

Sphere Rocket Videos

⬇️ Schedule a Time To Talk ⬇️

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